Fiscal Policy and Procedures
The Student Government Association (SGA) collects a mandatory student activity fee to fund student groups on campus. SUNY Fiscal and Accounting procedures for this type of fee collection are followed as applicable to Genesee Community College. Click here for the full scope of budgetary policies.
Alcohol: At no time is alcohol permitted to be purchased with Student Group funds.
Company Name: Purchases made for Student Groups must always be done under the name of “GCCA (Genesee Community College Association).”
Contracts: Contractual agreements paid with Mandatory Student Activity fee funds must be signed off by the Director of Student Engagement & Inclusion or designee.
Fiscal Year: GCCA fiscal year runs August 1—July 30. Year end purchases must be submitted to the Office of Student Engagement & Inclusion by no later than July 10 to be processed in time for fiscal year end.
Individual Membership: Mandatory Student Activity fee dollars will not be used to pay individual membership fees or dues for local, state, national, or other such organizations.
Tax Exemption: The GCCA is tax exempt in New York State. As a result, your Student Group will not need to pay NYS Tax when making purchases if a tax exempt form is presented at the time of purchase. If the form is not presented, the purchaser will be responsible for paying all NYS taxes and will not be reimbursed the tax expense. Advisors may print a copy of the GCCA tax exempt form in the Public Folders (in Outlook) at any time (Public Folders\Business Office\Forms\GCCA Tax Exemption Certificate)
Payment Procedures
Claim Voucher
Claim Vouchers are forms that need to be filled out to make purchases or take out a cash advance. Student Group advisors are required to sign off on them. Steps To Complete a Claim Voucher:
- Obtain a Claim Voucher in the Office of Student Engagement & Inclusion (S115)
- Complete all necessary fields and attached “Additional Information” to claim vouchers
- Student Group Advisor MUST sign and date
- Completed Claim Vouchers should be returned to the Office of Student Engagement & Inclusion with original receipts within 30 days of purchase. If claim vouchers are not submitted within the 30-day time, the Advisor/Club will incur penalties.
“Startup” funds for any fundraising activity must come out of the Student Group 100 account; budgeted funds may not be used for fundraising activities. All proceeds must be deposited (into the 100 account) in the Office of Student Engagement & Inclision (S115) within 24 hours of collection using the “Revenue Deposit Form.” Fundraiser earnings may be used in the following ways:
- Defray travel expenses for an approved Student Group trip
- Donation to a worthy cause (non-profit organization)
- Planning “end of the semester/year” events
Steps for fundraising
- Fill out the “Fundraising Event Proposal Form” at least fifteen (15) business days prior to the event.
- Reserve space necessary for the activity
- Design, print and bring copies of flyers to the Office of Student Engagement & Inclusion for posting
- Fundraisers can be put on the Student Engagement & Inclusion Facebook page for advertisement.
- All proceeds must be deposited in the Office of Student Engagement & Inclusion within 24 hours of collection using the Revenue Deposit Form. A Claim Voucher should be completed for a check to be sent to the fundraiser beneficiary.
Crowd Sourcing (Go Fund Me, Kickstarter, etc.): Sites such as this are not permitted for student group fundraising.
Donations: Checks must be made out to GCCA
Student groups and individual programs on campus are not allowed to conduct fundraising raffles or games of chance, which includes raffles (i.e. 50/50) , bingo, and casino events are not allowed; the logistics with monitoring raffles to ensure compliance with state gaming rules makes it prohibitive to allow these types of student activities on campus. Games where no money is exchanged are not considered “games of chance” and are therefore allowable. Basket raffle prizes may not include alcohol.
Solicitations: Student groups are not allowed to solicit local businesses for donations without prior approval from the Foundation office.
Reservation Spaces
Space in the Student Union and Merchant Cove may be requested via email to All other space on campus must be reserved with Kaileigh Domster, Event Specialist.